Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's an annual tradition for LC kids!

Here's what the City of Carp has to say about the program:
"Carpinteria Junior Lifeguards is a summer institution.  Junior Guards, ages 9-17, learn many aspects of lifeguarding as they engage in a variety of aquatic and beach activities.  Skills learned include an introduction to CPR, first aid, beach and wave dynamics and ocean science.  The program emphasizes physical fitness and the value of spirited, friendly competition in running, paddle board and swimming races.
Safety is important so participants must be able to pass a basic pool and ocean swim test.   In the ocean the participant must be able to swim approximately 100 yards with no time limit.  The pool swim is also 100 yards, but it must be completed in 00:02:20 minutes.  These tests are only for the purpose of measuring ability as it pertains to each child’s safety in the water."

If you have questions or doubts about the description of the program being called an "institution," please read this (paying special attention to the highlighted text)...  ;)
in·sti·tu·tion  (ĭn′stĭ-to̅o̅′shən, -tyo̅o̅′-)n.1.       The act of instituting.
2.a. A custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society: the institutions of marriage and the family.b. Informal One long associated with a specified place, position, or function.
3.a. An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture.
b. The building or buildings housing such an organization.
c. A place for the care of persons who are destitute, disabled, or mentally ill.

Click on the link below for all the necessary paperwork you will need to register your child for this summer's program, as well as the calendar of events.  Just print the forms, fill them out, and take them to the Carp Pool and they'll set you up!

Carp Jr. Guards Forms to Download, Print, Complete

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Are you ready for a run? A grunion run, that is!

Here's a bunch of info on the little fish, including the grunion run schedule for 2014, a chart that explains when and why they run on the beach, a Nat Geo video on them, and a link to all the info you'll ever need on grunion.  Hope to see you down on the beach during one of their runs!  Click on links below to open.

Grunion Run Schedule
Sun, Moon, Earth, Tides, and Grunion
NatGeo Video
The Amazing Grunion

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spring 2014 Newsletter

Here's a copy of the Spring 2014 LC Newsletter...enjoy!